If you're like me, you used to bookmark webpages and blogs that you liked to read, and individually click on each page every so often to see what was new. Or, maybe you even take the time to commit the url to memory and type it in every time.
Ever wish there was one place you could go to see all the new updates from all of your favorite weblogs? Apparently, this has been possible for, like, practically a decade. Ever see that little orange icon that says "RSS" (There's one at the bottom of this page if you need a reminder.) There's a neat-o video by a company called CommonCraft that opened my eyes to the world of RSS and feed readers called RSS In Plain English. I definitely recommend it and look forward to watching their other videos. Especially this one.
Now, one reason I'm sharing this with you is that I'm not very likely to update this blog every day. Maybe not even every week. So, if you like it, and don't want to keep clicking back here to see the same old page, you might consider subscribing. That way, you'll know when things get updated, and you can either read the post in your feed reader or click on back over here.
Or, if you use Google or check Blogger regularly, you can click at left to be a Relishing Crumbs "Follower." Somebody out there reading this will know better than me what the difference is, but essentially it seems like this is Blogger's way of providing its own little feed reader. Plus, we can see all of the other people who are followers of the blog. Everybody can congratulate my good pal Susy for being the very first Follower! Thanks, Susy!
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