Earlier this year, I wrote a post about the benefits of breastfeeding. My intent was to educate readers who might criticize women who breastfeed in public, and to encourage those women who have had to deal with ignorant comments from strangers. Even though I tried to make the point that breastfeeding isn't necessarily always the best choice for every family, I still wondered if maybe I was still conveying a condescending attitude toward mothers who use formula to feed their babies, especially considering all the potential (and sometimes unproven) drawbacks I mentioned about using formula. I have been feeling badly about that for a while, despite positive comments on the blog, and so I'd like to apologize--I'm sorry!--and try to make up for what was lacking in the other post.
I think the best way to do that is to share a post written last month by a friend of mine about how she became a formula-feeder. She does a remarkable job communicating her struggle with breastfeeding and has an inspiring and balanced perspective. So, please take a few minutes to go read Summer's article on Fearless Formula Feeder, and give her some love in the comment section. You might enjoy browsing through the rest of the site as well.